Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Facebook Dad web roundup

Thank you to all of you who attended my "Facebook for Parents" class!  There is another session scheduled for October 7; click here to access the course list and just search the course listing!

"Uh, Mom, I think we'll need some more cake…"  A 14-year old's party is cancelled after 21,000 people RSVP on Facebook.

Kids at college, and you’re still in their business?  Cut the cord!  Some info about the 'digitally connected parent'.

They sure don't hesitate to contact me when the semester bill is due, but apparently, by law a parent can not be given info about their college student's activities/grades/etc without the student's consent. 

Is it just me, or are most TV dads complete idiots?  Here's a retrospective of TV's best dads, courtesy of "The Art of Manliness".

Here's an intriguing & inspiring new book from Emily Liebert - "Facebook Fairytales"!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Facebook for Parents" course available!

For those of you in the Central PA area:
Are your kids friending, tweeting and blogging? Do you have no idea what this means? With great power - the Internet - comes great responsibility - as a parent!  Learn how information in Facebook is shared, what you have control over, and how you can make it a better experience for your kids and your family.  Also learn about other social networking tools and trends, with the goals of keeping up with, keeping an eye on, and encouraging more communication with your kids.
"Facebook for Parents" is a 90 minute course offered through the Mechanicsburg PA Recreation Department.  Sessions are available on either Wednesday September 22, or Thursday October 7.  Read more at the Mechanicsburg Recreation site, or register online here; select Activities and search for the keyword of "Facebook".

Only $9.00 for early registration for residents in the school district, $14 for non-residents.  A bargain!  I'm sure you know someone who would benefit from this course, please pass it along!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Face-to-Face Book

Welcome to all of you who found Facebook Dad from the "Parting Glance" article in Central Penn Parent. I'm proud to say that article was my first published work (aside from this self-published site of course…), but hopefully not my last.

Go ahead and check out the story on Central Penn Parent if you haven't already… Here is some additional background on what's happened since then: