Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Face-to-Face Book

Welcome to all of you who found Facebook Dad from the "Parting Glance" article in Central Penn Parent. I'm proud to say that article was my first published work (aside from this self-published site of course…), but hopefully not my last.

Go ahead and check out the story on Central Penn Parent if you haven't already… Here is some additional background on what's happened since then:

The girl and I eventually came to a truce regarding her text messaging. I will use the expression that 'she threw money at the problem'… I argued that I wasn't going to keep paying for text messaging if she couldn't control her usage, and she made a compelling counter-argument to pay for it herself. The hitch of course was that then I would have much less of a leg to stand on when it came to arguing about it.

So I'd say it's a win-win all around! She hears no more bickering from me about her text messaging, and I get a few bucks a month from her as 'hush money' (is that term too strong?). To be honest, those dollars go straight into the vacation fund, so she gets it back anyway, although in a different format…


While you're here, please take a look around; feel free to comment on prior postings, 'like' our Facebook page, and add Facebook Dad to your RSS feeds. Enjoy!

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